You have to pledge a first person for each job, in exception of the inventor Thomas Dempsey, the man you see at the center.

Pass in the screen Research and begin the projects "Mining Robots" and "Satellite".

Place 6 mines and 5 derricks.

The more mines and derricks you have, the more money you will win.

Each planet can contain 9 mines max. and 1 mining robot per mine, but as many derricks staying in the place.

When you begin a new construction, verify if there is enough electricity, if, not, build a second nuclear center.

The invention of the mining robot finished, buy 7 others and place it in the mines.

Buy 3 satellites and dispatched one of them on the moon Apollo and you will learn that she contains Raenium.

More important ores in the game are: Detoxin, Enorgon and Texon.

Dispatch an other satellite on Amnesty 2. The destruction of this satellite unlatchs the research of a new launch average.

Go back to the screen research et you will see the project V.O.S. Then, launch the research.

The most inventions are unlatched by an exterior event.

You will receive soon a message advertising you the discover of the mining station.

Build news derricks and increase duties to "difficult".

For residents, answer their claims as soon as possible.

If everything is all right, you will be in 2927. Discovering of the transport vessel and of the settlememt.

Buy a transport vessel with 3 V.O.S. and a mining station. Define then a transport group to transfer the lunar ore to the Earth.

You have now somrthing to launch satellites. Equip this engine with the 3 V.O.S. together with the 3 satellites. Go for Zeus. Unfold one satellite to the moons Ithaca and Penelope> Go then to Klatoo and launch one satellite to the moon Barada.

Dispatch satellites when you discover a system of a planet.

Use a new constructor, Nelly Brady and dispatch him to the university to to study mathematics and physics.

Planet Jade found, dispatch your vessel to her and Morguls won't be allowed to attack. You will find the translator.


You will have to build 2 new habitations, a hospital and 1 or 2 bonded warehouses.

Let pass time until next year to accumulate a maximum of money.

Continue to go up and downbetween the Earth and the moon.

A first message from Jade is translated. Accord them your trust et dispatch your expert to Jade, he will come back with plans of a great commercial vessel.

Establish a settlement with mines and derricks to Penelope to extract on it Raenium and Texan.

Limit the number of settlement according to planets having ores interesting you.

Planet Jade takes contact with you again to give you back an unknown object.

Develop your settlement to Penelope, dispatch mining robots with the help of the commercial group.

On March 2928, you receive a S.O.S. message of Planet Jade. The residents give you plans of the war vessel equiped by lazers in exchangeof your help.

Don't help them because they will be destructed later. Dispatch a group of transport to the planet Jade, you will find there a sub-spatial transmitter in ruins. You can now create a military group.


Destruction of the Morguls base (3rd stellar system).

The plan of tanks will be given to you by Kaals (Phoenix system).

A navy made with 500 vessels is necessary to destroy troops from Earth.